Sunday, June 5, 2011

Start of the garden

Here is the start of this year's garden.  There are two raised beds in back with things that can tolerate a little shade-- mostly greens (lettuces, kale, and broccoli), beets, radishes, and some squash.  I'm trying to supply us for the whole season with lettuce this year so trying to remember to do successive plantings of seeds.

From the beginning of May:

To now:

Friday, February 11, 2011

baby blankets

This is a blanket I made L while I was pregnant.  The pattern is the bulky baby blanket from the purl bee.  It was awesome to knit-- the seed stitch was satisfying on the large needles.  The major issue was that the dog ate half a skein of my yarn in the middle of the body-- he's *never* eaten yarn before and the consequences were pretty gross.  Oddly, he did it one more time and it was spud and chloe yarn again.  Strange pup.

The border was the most fun part of the project.  I finally (after 5 years of knitting) learned to pick up stitches correctly (!!) and the edging it created was pretty charming.  Almost like creating a binding but out of yarn.

Mostly, it gets used as a car seat blanket these days but it's pretty awesome to see the things I made while I was pregnant getting used.